Harvard (HBR) says the key to success is your network. A great network is one where you have rapport with people & can build mutually beneficial relationships with anyone you meet. Rapport is simply a relationship where you communicate with ease & understand each other’s thoughts & feelings. I can always tell when I'm being served by, or chatting with a business owner. It tends to be a much different, much more meaningful, yet natural conversation that makes me like them & their business. Networking is one of the key talents I've found most successful business owners have. They often take it for granted because it was a natural requirement & skill they developed to grow the business. So if you want to have a great exit from your business, you are going to have to mentor the leadership team taking over from you on how to be better networkers.
This is a skill that can be taught and with a disciplined process and practice, it can become easy and natural. If everyone on your team is doing it they can take the company way past where you have. All of your leaders building rapport with all of your stakeholders; staff, customers, suppliers, investors, community leaders, influencers, etc. is key to transformational growth & attracting strategic buyers. This one-page guide, 8 STEPS TO BUILD YOUR NETWORK, is an excellent framework to teach your people to have better conversations that build rapport & better relationships.
Have a look & let me know what you think.

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