MEXIT BUSINESS OWNER UPDATE FOR NOVEMBER 2022 - Each month we share articles, resources and events we have coming up that may be of interest to business owners. This issue we have:
EXIT PLANNING 101 - WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW! - December 15, 2022 @11:30am - Please join us & help get the word out for this 90-minute session, where participants learn what they need to know about exit planning & also receive a workbook to start building their own exit plan. The registration link is
THE 3 KEYS TO UNLEASHING TRANSFORMATIONAL GROWTH - December 8 @ 12:00pm – Transformational growth is the best way to create value, regardless of whether you want to sell or keep your business. Many businesses are stuck, they just can't grow to that next level. Growing a business requires transformation, because the same old thinking, gets the same old results. You must transform to grow & your growth will be transformational. Join us to learn how. The registration link is
You or anyone you invite can attend using the code RP100 on the top left of the first registration page for a complimentary ticket. All of our sessions have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. You are welcome to download and share the update below and the links in the PDF are active.