UNDERSTAND HOW TO TAKE YOUR BUSINESS TO THE NEXT LEVEL! - Many businesses are stuck, they just can't grow to that next level. Growing a business requires transformation, because the same old thinking, gets the same old results. You must transform to grow & your growth will be transformational. Transformational growth is the best way to create value, regardless of whether you want to sell or keep your business. Join us on December 8th @ 12:00pm to learn how.
Transformation is overcoming your:
Inability to Scale – Launching the next phase of the company's growth
Failure to Grow Leadership - getting people to step-up & align around a new vision
Poor Strategy Execution - ensuring the success of strategic initiatives
Succession Gaps - hiring, growing & keeping the best talent to lead into a better future
Hyper-Growth – manage growth so it doesn’t kill the business
Broken Culture – fixing a lack of accountability, dysfunctional teams, silos, poor engagement, no fun
Inability to Attract Investment - $ to grow in an “ESG” financial world
We invite you to join us on December 8th @ 12pm for this Unleashing Transformational Growth Workshop where you'll learn about a proven agile growth transformation process & an ESG-conscious business philosophy that drives transformational business growth:
Grow Revenue – using innovation, initiative & discipline to deliver more value to more people
Grow Profitability – driving operational excellence & exceptional customer experience
Grow Leadership & Talent – attract, develop & retain the best people & grow leaders at all levels
Grow Capacity – installing the systems, processes & tools to scale
Grow Adaptability (AQ) – making the business agile, resilient & adaptive
Grow Accountability – using data & KPIs to set everyone up for success
Grow Culture – a workplace where great people grow, thrive & succeed as a team
Attendees will take away an understanding of:
The 3 Keys to Unleash Transformational Growth
The 3 Strategy Pillars to "KNOW"
The 3 Strategy Execution Pillars to "GROW"
The 3 Culture Disciplines to "TRANSFORM"
The Agile method to overcome the 6 Transformation Inhibitors
It is $75 for the session, but you or anyone you invite can attend using the code RP100 on the top left of the first registration page for a complimentary ticket. Regardless, the session has a 100% satisfaction guarantee. The registration link is: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/472182720227 . Also, all participants receive a Business Growth Transformation Program Workbook to guide them after the session.
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